International Women's Day- Women inspiring us: Christine
After speaking with Christine from our Gemma Lee community only just briefly, I knew she was an inspiring lady, with so much wisdom and encouragement to share! I recently caught up with the beautiful Christine to hear more of her story, and I am so glad I did! May it inspire you, as much as it did for me!
What is the best piece of advice given to you?
Be in your own integrity at all times.
What inspired you to take up surfing? And what is it that you love about it?
After being a single mother for all of my daughters life, plus a self employed entrepreneur, I decided at age 46 to stop seeking love and instead learn to love myself. I spent 13 years single and celibate, never even looking for a relationship. I was so happy in myself that I determined if I ever had a relationship it would be even better than my life as a single women.
In early 2019 I started a casual chat in my local beach side coffee shop with a lovely man. We became friends over the course of 9 months. I never saw him as anything but a friend. Not even for a second. Until that moment when everything shifted for both of us. We have been together ever since, and I never imaged a relationship could be this good, in every way. Tony has surfed all of his life. I have been an outdoors sports enthusiast all of my life. Running, triathlon, swimming. We love doing everything together, so the surfing was just a natural part of that. I love the ocean, bare feet, sand, and I have serious squad swim fitness. At the age of 58 I started surfing with Tony as my coach. We also brought a van and happily live the surf van life as often as we are able.
I love being in the water in the dawn light, I love the challenge. I love learning. I love it when the dolphins come close. Most of all I love being outdoors in nature with my love.
What women have you looked up to over the years?
In my younger years Katherine Hepburn. In my now years Grace Tame and Greta Thunberg.
Words you live by…
Integrity is the essence of everything that matters for a world with a future for earth and all her creatures.
What do you love about your Gemma Lee wetsuit?
I could not believe wetsuits were so boring. Black, or black? Gemma Lee wetsuits expresses everything I feel about my life at this age of 61 years. More vibrant, more alive, more sexy than ever. Live out loud unafraid of pretty much anything, so comfortable in my own skin.