Fashion Revolution Week 2019

Fashion Revolution week marks the anniversary of the Rana Plaza factory collapse in Bangladesh killing 1,138 people and another 2,500 injured in 2013. This making it the 4th largest industrial disaster in history. This disaster shouldn’t have happened and called for a fashion revolution.
This week puts a spotlight on ethical and sustainable practices in the fashion industry, as we ask the question, who made our clothes, or in our case who made our suits?
“We wear our values. When you purchase a suit, you are purchasing a whole chain of values and relationships that it took to bring that suit to life.”
Our suits are made in the gorgeous surfing destination, Australia. Choosing a factory close to our base in New Zealand was super important to us to ensure transparency and ethical practices are implemented and upheld. It is also a location where we are able to visit multiple times a year, and work very closely with out team. And we can’t complain visiting our sunny neighbours!
“Clothes aren’t going to change the world. The women who wear them will” -Anne Klein
Who made your suits?
One of the many faces that make your suit come to life. Your suit passes through many hands, who are passionate about creating beautiful suits. They put the human touch back into the craftmanship of fashion design, from printing your suit, to hand cutting them, to sewing the finishing touches.
Whenever we visit the factory, we always come away beaming after spending time with the wonderful team that makes the magic happen!
So what needs to change in the fashion industry?
Simply put:
1. MODEL — The business of fashion
2. MATERIAL — People & planet
3. MINDSET — Shifting the way we think about fashion
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has” -Margaret Mead
Continue to always challenge the status quo, go forth ask questions, challenge brands, and most importantly ask, who made my clothes?
Much Love,
Gemma Lee x
To find more information and resources on fashion revolution week, head to